A World of Consciousness

"Raise!" Huyan Ming cried in a soft voice. He was more nervous than anyone else, as he was now at the last phase of cracking the formation. His forehead was already covered with sweat. With the last incantation gesture sent into it, all the tadpole texts on the wall finally turned silver, and then they flew out of the rock one after another, forming into chains in the air before gradually fading away.

The fire phoenix pattern trapped in the middle of the wall was finally released, and it flew straight out of the rock and soared into the air. Immediately, the whole sky turned red, with a crimson phoenix dancing gracefully in the center of it.

"True Spirited Fire Phoenix...A True Spirited Fire Phoenix!" Qi Zhenzi murmured in excitement as he stared at the phoenix in the sky.

Shocked, Huyan Ming and the others looked up as well. Could it really be a living phoenix? But, that was ridiculous, wasn't that?