
Yunxiao smiled as he wiped the sweat off his forehead with a hand, and then held out the pill. "Master Yuan Hao is the judge, so I naturally have to let you have a look."

The round medicinal pill rolled into Yuan Hao's hand, and he placed both pills side by side and carefully studied them. Their size and color were almost the same, but there was one significant difference: there was a faint blue line on Sun Zhengzong's pill while Yunxiao's had two, one blue and one red.

After comparing them, Yuan Hao could not help but ask, "Master Yunxiao, why are there two lines on your pill? And what happened to that thunder tribulation? Normal thunder tribulation would not be so weak!"

Unknowing to himself, he had begun to address Yunxiao as 'Master', which sounded extremely unpleasant in Sun Zhengzong's ear.

"Oh, I've no idea about that thunderbolt. If truth be told, this is the first time I have refined a third-tier medicinal pill."

"What! First time!"