Ding Ling'er

Xingyang Jie was so angry that he almost coughed out a mouthful of blood. He thought that by announcing his name and his family, his opponent would tremble with fear before kneeling and licking his shoes. Instead, it took away the guy's doubt and made him kill even more wantonly. That had dealt him a blow greater than when his fingers were cut away.

In the face of Yunxiao, Martial Masters were nothing but cannon fodder. Soon, only a Great Martial Master was left. With his pupils constricted, the guard drew his sword and unsealed it as he rushed over.

Amidst the crowd of onlookers in the distance, a girl in red gently curled her hair with a finger as she frowned and said, "Sir Yu, is that the young man Master Yuan Hao was talking about, a third-tier alchemist, Li Yunxiao?"