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Luo Yunshang and Chen Dasheng's faces turned pale again as they stared at Xiao Qingwang's stomach. They looked as if they were about to vomit.

"What's wrong with you two? I feel something is not right here!" Xiao Qingwang narrowed his eyes and said, "Yunshang, tell me, why do you keep staring at me like that?"

Luo Yunshang's lips parted slightly, and she stammered, "Thi-this... I... I..." She quickly turned to Yunxiao and asked for help with her eyes.

Yunxiao's forehead was covered with tiny beads of cold sweat. He made himself laugh and then said, "It's nothing! Why do you have to look like that? To us who pursue martial arts, all things in the world can be made into spirit medicines. Zhou Chuan is dead. I've refined him into a pill with the cauldron."