Deter and Establish Authority

Qian Duoduo trembled and hastily placed the jade slip on his forehead, sending his divine sense into it. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and his body shivered with excitement.

'Broken Moon Scroll! This really is the complete Broken Moon Scroll!'

'Haha! I can't believe I got such a divine thing! With it, I, Qian Duoduo, will become a Martial Supreme one day, and then a Martial Emperor, not to mention a Martial Grandmaster! Wait for me, all of you, I will go back and settle the scores with you soon!'

He was very excited. After putting away the jade slip, he glanced at the insignificant box and casually opened it. What he saw narrowed his eyes. "This is...a Nine Orifices pill?"

It was the last Nine Orifices pill.