A Marine Map

Yunxiao thumped his teacup on the table and sneered, "Do you take me for a fool? The sea is boundless, and sea beasts near the land are at most second-tier. To find a fourth-tier sea beast, we need to venture at least a thousand miles out, but we don't have a marine map. Even if we did, it will only help us in navigating around and not find a poisonous fourth-tier sea beast in the vast water! Not to mention the odds of running into some high-level creatures and get ourselves killed is extremely high!"

Duan Yue found it very difficult to deceive this boy. 'How could he know so much at such a young age? It's like he has been to the sea before...' He knew he had to use another method. So, he took out an old beast skin from his ring and spread it out flat in front of Yunxiao while speaking, "Have a look at this!"