Kunwu Divine Tree

"What are you doing, Lord Clan Chief? I was just saying! Why did you really kneel?"

Duan Yue was taken aback, and he quickly avoided doing that. Although the clan chief was old, he was a Martial Emperor after all, and Duan Yue did not think he deserved that.

Yunxiao was shocked as well. "Lord Clan Chief, what are you doing? Even if you admire me very much, you are old and don't have to offer me such great courtesy."

"My lord!"


It was then that Tie Fan, Tie Ling, and Tie Fei came to their senses. They hurried over to help the clan chief up, but he pushed them away and shouted, "Get down on your knees, all three of you!"

The trio was struck dumb instantly. 'What is this? It is shameful enough for you to kneel on your own, and now you want us to kneel too?' Even Yunxiao was dumbfounded.

While trembling, the Firefish clan chief said agitatedly, "Holy Herald! Lord Holy Herald! You are Lord Hold Herald!"