The Death of Tie Pin


Yunxiao mercilessly threw out a punch. The air at the bottom of the sea was thin, but the fist still produced a sharp whistle, smashing Duan Yue in the face and knocking him flying away.

"Hehe! The Tyrant Body is indeed amazing!" Yunxiao looked at his fist with satisfaction as he smiled and said to himself. He did not use any energy in the punch but pure physical strength, and yet it had knocked a Martial Emperor away.

"It hurts!"

Duan Yue held his face as he came running back, almost in tears. "I didn't ask you to hit my face! Hey, what exactly is going on with you? This doesn't make sense at all. The rate of your progress has put those so-called geniuses on the continent to shame! Have you ever considered the feelings of common people like us? Heaven is fu*king unfair!"