A Talk About Tea

Yunxiao gave him a hopeless look and said, "I'm in a good mood now, so I'll say a few more words to you. If what you said is true, Ding Ling'er should keep a distance from me. Why is she inviting me now?"

"This..." Yu Rong was taken aback, and he fell into thoughts.

Yunxiao looked at him as if he were an idiot and said, "You should know better than me about the situation of Tianyuan Trading Company. The reason why Ding Ling'er kept aiding me is that she takes me as her lifeline. And, the purpose she invited me for a chat this time, if I'm not mistaken, is that she has decided to put all her bets on me after what happened to the Xingyang family."

Yu Rong's pupils constricted and he looked incredulous. He could not guess Ding Ling'er's thoughts, and what happened recently perplexed him. Now that Yunxiao pointed it out to him, he felt enlightened.