Chapter 248-not good with words

"Bluelotus Earth Fire!"

All the experts in the stands narrowed their eyes. This kind of Heavenly Fire used to belong to Xingyang Huo, and it was later taken by the mysterious Martial Emperor of Yanwu.

As expected, everyone's hearts trembled, and their pupils suddenly widened.

A figure emerged from the green Lotus ground fire, and it was Duan Yue. He had a look of mockery on his face as he grabbed at the air with both hands. The two flames landed in his palms and turned into petals that floated in the air, flying toward Jiang Wuwei and Zhou yangbiao.

The flower petals withered, and it was beautiful and sad.

On the other hand, Jiang Wuwei and Zhou yangbiao felt as if they had fallen into hell. The aura of death surged into their minds, and the hatred they felt instantly dissipated. They took in a deep breath and retreated.

How could they resist the attack of a three-stars Martial Emperor?