Chapter 282-establishing power by killing

This time, it worked. After all, one million medial-grade primordial stones was too disgusting. No one was willing to pay it. They all responded and cursed.

Xiao qingwang frowned and exchanged a look with the other two. The three men's faces immediately turned cold, and their auras were about to burst out.

Yunxiao had told him to only take the money, and kill anyone who resisted. If you can't beat him, call for help. He'll be the first to arrive.

Although the three of them felt a little dizzy from this order, they still carried it out seriously.

At this time, the 3000 martial artists also moved. They surrounded Xiao qingwang in an instant, each of them with a ferocious look on their faces, waiting for Xiao qingwang's order.