Xumi divine Palace

He tried to walk up slowly, but there was still energy flowing into his body and finally gathering in his dantian. And his strength was indeed improving, but not as fast as before. After another 80 steps, the light of a breakthrough shone again.

"He's already an eight-stars martial Lord?" Yunxiao's head was spinning, and he found it hard to believe. But it was happening to him.

He couldn't care about it anymore and continued to walk up. He finally finished a few hundred steps, and the power in his dantian became the size of a fist, no less than his sea of Qi.

His cultivation had also broken through the shackles of the four symbols realm and entered the five elements realm.

"He's already a martial King?"

Yunxiao waved his hand in disbelief. Rings of Power of the five elements spread out around him, which was the symbol of a martial King realm expert.