Safe arrival

Huo Jian was a little embarrassed as he leaned over and said, was the disappearance of old monster Chu caused by master Yunxiao? "

Hai Lin was also taken aback as he looked at Yunxiao. It turned out that he was not the only one who had this feeling. Huo Jian seemed to have noticed something as well.

Yunxiao! Yunxiao gave him a look and said, " think about it yourself.

This time, he simply put on an enigmatic expression, which made Huo Jian and Hai Lin stunned for a moment, and then they smiled bitterly. Even though he had this feeling, he could not help but shake his head when he thought about the difference in strength between the two of them.

Soon, a large number of members from the rookie mercenary group arrived. They did not encounter any obstacles along the way and directly entered the northern part of the city.

Huo Jian also secretly sent a voice transmission to the others, telling them that no one was allowed to joke with Ding Ling 'er and yunshang.