An old friend from ten thousand years ago

Somewhere in the sky above the demon Plains, Yi Qing's body was covered in blood. His eyes were empty, and he was only gasping for breath as he stared at the opponent in front of him in shock.

The man was dressed in golden armor, and his eyes were somewhat strange, giving off a ferocious feeling. However, his body was extremely burly and his face was expressionless. He carried the long-handled battle axe on his shoulder, looking majestic and domineering.

The judge, who was not far away, revealed a knowing smile and said,"Fu's appearance has the taste of a great demon."

Li looked regretful and sighed. it's a pity that the four of us have lost too much of our strength. Now, we can only fight with the power of the profound level weapons in our hands. Otherwise, how can we be the opponent of these martial honors? "