Sealed space

The sun fish boat's voice suddenly stopped, and its mouth was wide open, and its eyes were almost popping out.

A delicate ancient Bell appeared in Yunxiao's hand. It was small and cute, and the artifact aura it exuded shocked him. He immediately recognized that it was a ninth-tier Mystic artifact!

this ancient Bell is ringing. he was extremely excited and stepped forward to take it.

With a flip of his hand, Yunxiao put it back into his body. Rolling his eyes, he said, " "What are you doing? Who are you? Do I know you well?"

The sun fish boat was stunned for a moment before it smiled apologetically and said, " "Little brother, I'm the sun fish boat of the myriad treasures store. Where did you get that ancient Bell? Show it to me, it might be worth a lot."

Everyone's face was black, and they were all drenched in cold sweat.

Was the sun fish boat really a martial sovereign of the nine Heavens? How could he be so shameless?