Suppression by tool accumulations

"What's going on? Why isn't his cultivation being suppressed?"

Che xuyao's feet quickly tapped on the ground, and his entire body hurriedly retreated. He couldn't figure it out at all, and his face was filled with shock and confusion.

The sun fish boat also felt strange. Its power was obviously suppressed, and the Emperor Qi was getting weaker and weaker as the crystal emitted a powerful weapon essence. However, the sword in its hand could easily exert a great power, which even made it feel surprised.

"Could it be that this sword has some profound secrets? It definitely was! That li Yunxiao's background is extremely mysterious, and the sword he gave must be extraordinary!"

The sun fish boat was overjoyed, and its eyes were filled with killing intent. It raised its long sword again and its body shot forward like a cannonball, slashing at che xuyao! One more person died meant one more chance to get Noah's ship!