Chapter 513-master mo

Hanxuan had meant that eighty million was enough, but after seeing Yunxiao absorb the primordial stones, she raised another twenty million.

Yunxiao immediately took it and said, " "Many thanks."

He was not pretentious. The Purple Cloud trade union had helped him so much at this time, and he would definitely remember this favor. As the saying went, " gratitude is beyond words ".

let's go, " Jin Xuan said. if we miss out on that master again, we'll have to bear a grudge.

The three of them left The Purple Cloud trade union and went through several streets in nanhuo city before they arrived at a small courtyard.

There were no guards in front of the courtyard and it was very clean. There was a small fence door. Mi Xuan gently pushed it open and walked in. There was an old stone cauldron in the front yard. It was very old and covered with green moss.