Chapter 552-conditions

"Haha, this is great!"

Xiao Minghui laughed and stepped forward, " "Sect master tan is indeed incisive, it's rare that you can make this old fogey, Gao Lin, so angry."

Tan dijun stroked his goat beard and chuckled, he's asking for death. I only scolded him a little this time. Next time, I'll just kill him with a slap!

His words shocked Xiao Minghui. He seemed to have sensed something, but he could not grasp it. Zhang linghua's sudden advancement to the rank of a martial Supreme had caused the Big Dipper sect to immediately rise above all the local forces. They had already become the leader of the local forces. A chasm began to appear between them and the other forces, and they felt as if they were high and mighty.

Tan dijun had come to visit mo Huayuan, but at this moment, he seemed to have forgotten his original intention. Instead, he turned his eyes to Yunxiao and said playfully, " "This little brother looks familiar, have I seen him before?"