Repairing the array

"Ten breaths!"

Mo Xiaochuan smiled casually. He did not even need to use any martial arts techniques. He drew a ray of light with his fingertip and it flashed through the air. The ray of light instantly transformed into ten rays of sword Qi that shot out with the force of a Thunderbolt. Before the crowd could understand what was going on, they were all slashed apart and killed.

With a wave of his hand, Yunxiao immediately took the storage rings left by the ten men in the air and said, " "No need to thank me!"

Li Feiyu's heart turned cold as he watched. Although he had killed many people before, those were all minor characters whose strength was far inferior to his own. A martial Supreme like him had been killed ten times in a single move. It was truly difficult to accept.

However, the difference between a martial honor and a Martial Emperor was like heaven and earth. Li Feiyu said dejectedly,"Let's go," he said.