Chapter 628-experiment

"It's like this, Shi, young master Yun, Qianqian"

Shaohuang haolian also felt a little awkward calling her by this name, and it took him a while to get used to it. He explained, miss ding had originally arranged for us to disguise ourselves as guards of song Yueyang city's city lord's estate and patrol the vicinity of the four extremes sect all day long. Recently, we discovered some interesting things and wanted to find out more, but who knew that your identity would be exposed, young master Yun? miss Luo couldn't help but rush over to see you.

Yunshang's face turned red instantly, almost purple from embarrassment. "Young Emperor haolian, you're so wicked!" "That's definitely not the case. I didn't want to come here," she hurriedly explained.

The others all looked incredulous. Yunxiao coughed awkwardly and said, " "Cough, cough, city guards? Song Yue Yang city also has a city Lord's mansion?"