Chapter 631-reminiscence after that sword

Xu danhe frowned and snorted, " he's just a three-star martial sovereign. So what if he has a spirit weapon? it's just another treasure for Empyrean one Pavilion. Elder Qiu, can you take him down? "

don't worry, great elder. I'll take his head and stomp it to death in front of Ding Ling 'er. I'll return his life to them!

An old man stepped out from behind Xu danhe. He was wrapped in linen clothes and had a face as clear as Jade. His eyes were filled with killing intent and coldness. He shouted and rushed into the sea of sword Qi, " even if it's just a grain of rice, shine!

As he rushed in, the sea of sword Qi began to become chaotic. The originally calm sea surface began to rise and fall, creating magnificent waves.