Chapter 646-broken face

Tang Xin appeared under the protection of the crowd, and several strong men surrounded Tang Jie and the others. They were all Tang Xin's absolute confidants, and they would not show mercy even if they had to kill Tang Jie.

It was already evening, and Qian Wudi, who had been invited, was also with them. His eyes fell on Tang Jie, and his pupils suddenly shrank, revealing a shocked expression. He had originally thought that after obtaining the martial will Dao fruit and advancing to martial honor, he would be the strongest among the younger generation of the merchant Union, with the exception of li Feiyu.

However, after the last battle with Liang Yuyi, he had lost all confidence. He was not sure if he could win against Liang Yuyi, let alone Yunxiao. Now that he looked at Tang Jie, not only had he also advanced to the rank of martial honor, but he was also exuding a powerful aura that made him fearful.