Chapter 663-explanation

Mo Xiaochuan and haolian shaohuang had been prepared for this. They had been on guard against the old woman's madness, and they moved the moment she attacked.

Xu danhe's strength was unfathomable, and they could not stop her alone. She stood on the left and right sides of Tianyuan trading company. If they took a step back, the entire Tianyuan trading company would be annihilated.

"You're the one who should die, old hag!"

break! mo Xiaochuan shouted coldly. The Tiangang demon-slaying sword suddenly flicked out from his right hand, and a sea of sword Qi spread out. His fingers flickered as he tapped on the sword one by one. It was as if a seal had been broken. The artifact Spirit let out a long cry, and the sword Qi shot up into the nine Heavens!

"Red furnace lights the snow to illuminate the mountains and rivers!"