Chapter 665-exceeding the time

Cui Bo's words made the hearts of the people of Tianyuan trading company sink to the bottom, and they felt a chill all over.

Especially mo Xiaochuan and haohuang, whose expressions were extremely unsightly. They seemed to be unable to accept Yunxiao's defeat. In their hearts, he was an invincible existence! Even though he had been reborn as a teenager, he was still that peerless master in their hearts!

Mo Xiaochuan gritted his teeth. just watch quietly before the results are out. You'll only expose your ignorant intelligence if you talk too much! he said angrily.

"Haha, intelligence? I'm waiting to see how high your IQ is, haha!"

Xu danhe laughed out loud in an unrestrained manner.

"I understand how you feel, but the truth is always hard to come by," cui Bo sighed.

Suddenly, a dry voice came, " "Not necessarily!"

Although it was only two words, it was filled with extreme confidence, as if everything in the art Tower was within his control.