Bone bead

There was an indescribable feeling in everyone's heart. There were many objections, but they couldn't say anything.

li Yunxiao, " Xiangzi suddenly said. did you get something after you came out of the eighth floor? "

Everyone was taken aback, and then they all turned their eyes to Yunxiao. They had all seen his last Thunderbolt transformation, but no one could see what had happened in the dome and what he had gained.

Yunxiao narrowed his eyes and smiled. I didn't get anything. I was scared when the teleportation power appeared in the end, so I tried to escape with a secret technique. But I didn't expect that I would fail and be teleported out.

Not many people believed his words, but they had no choice. He was the only one who knew the situation inside.

Xiang Zi's face was slightly unwilling, and he snorted,"Then what's going on with the eighth floor? why did you stay there for so long?"