The first battle

Ding Ling 'er's expression didn't change at all. It didn't matter who her opponent was. What was important was that the empty seat made her heart feel empty.

From the moment she had sat down, she had been completely absent-minded. At the same time, she was filled with questions that made her unable to eat or sleep in peace. The core of the question was-who had killed Yuwen Bo? It had been tormenting her heart!

In addition to the number plates, the twenty candidates were also the most eye-catching. However, the temporary absence of Chen Feng and Yunxiao made most of the eyes fall on li Feiyu.

He must have been cultivating in seclusion since he was absent from such an important competition. As the number one of the younger generation in the merchant Union and one of the four prodigies of the North Region, he would definitely be looked at with hostility from all directions.