Chapter 679-ostentation

we've already lost! Why aren't you stopping? is he going to kill us?! Liang Yuyi shouted angrily.

Cui Bo frowned. He made a complicated seal with his hand and sent it into the enamel plate. His entire body flew in and landed beside Tang Jie. His expression changed drastically.

not good! They've all completely fainted!

Cui Bo hurriedly injected a few healing spells into the two men's bodies, then slowly grabbed at the air and pulled out more than ten of Tang Jie's tentacles one by one.

Two figures immediately rushed forward. Xu danhe caught Liang Yuyi, who was falling down. Her face was livid. Originally, he was going to be angry when Liang Yuyi lost, but now that she was seriously injured, there was no way for him to be angry.

After Tang Jie's tendrils were pulled out, he suddenly opened his eyes and his body quickly returned to his human form. He staggered backward and Luo Ying helped him up.