Chapter 715-fire sound

"Noah's ship! It's Noah's ship!"

The Scion of the blood God stood up abruptly and couldn't help but tremble. He said excitedly,"It must be the Supreme artifact Noah's ship! Some time ago, I heard that Noah's ship was born and was taken by an unknown force. I didn't expect it to be true!"

He couldn't help but pace in the sky, clenching his fists tightly. He couldn't help but say, " "This is a great opportunity that the heavens have given me! If I can get Noah's ship and ride the blood fiends, who in the world can compete with me? This time, I'll either soar into the sky or completely sink into oblivion. I'll bet the entire Blood God Palace that I'll take back these two items!"

The Scion flipped his right hand and a token appeared in his hand. A few words were written on it. He threw it into the air and it turned into a red light that shot towards the blood God Palace.

That was the highest-level token of the blood God Palace. It would gather everyone to search for it.