Chapter 762-love dilemma

The burial land had always been under the control of the blood God Palace. It was a famous mountain and treasure land in the Eastern Region. Countless martial artists had hidden there to cultivate. However, after the great demon incident, the seals were all opened, and the changes that followed were the loss of spiritual Qi. It became a place of little value. In addition, the demon tribulation had killed too many martial artists. This once famous treasure land for individual cultivators had suddenly become desolate.

Yunxiao flew out of the burial land and swept the area with his divine will. He found only a dozen or so martial artists, and they were all weak. He could only hear two people whispering below.

senior brother, as expected, there's nothing good for free. The spiritual energy here is not as good as before. No wonder the people from the blood God Palace canceled the charging point.