Chapter 821-the heavens and earth

Under the Song of Soul subduing sword, everyone was at a loss. It was as if everything in the world no longer existed. Looking back, only fragments of time were left, constantly shattering in their memories.

There were no ancients, and no future. Time was like a song.

The experts who could still open their eyes watched in horror as the huge ghost King's body was cut in half by the sword light like a persimmon. The black energy ball also burst open in an instant, and a large amount of black energy exploded in all directions. Countless resentful souls and malicious ghosts screamed and rushed out in all directions, but they were annihilated by the vicissitudes of life, leaving only loneliness in the world.

Thousands of ghosts and broken spirits were expiated by the song of Requiem and led to the Nirvana realm of the six paths, the unknown kingdom of heaven.