Silver thread ancient rhinoceros

"Do we have to wait until the time is up?"

Yunxiao's heart was filled with bitterness. The time in this world was always uncertain, but it was normal to delay it for a few days. If the two fought for a few days, the hall would be destroyed no matter how strong it was, and he would have no choice but to hide in the divine realm tablet.

However, for an expert of this level, even the divine realm tablet, which was almost a life-saving weapon, couldn't resist it!

The golden light in Tian SI's hands grew stronger and stronger, and the sound waves also became extremely ear-piercing. Rings of weapon accumulations jolted out, appearing to be extremely extraordinary.

Jiang Churan's expression was also extremely serious. The sharp sword in his hand turned into a blue sword light under his Sword Art and condensed into a circular Sword Ring around his body. As Jiang Churan's Sword Art entered it, its aura kept rising.