The mountain wall

As there was no specific teleportation array between the two cities, Yunxiao and the others were only teleported out from an approximate area of more than three hundred thousand miles, and they were still some distance away from their real destination.

Led by Shuai Junwei and Yunxiao, the seven of them soon landed in a deserted place, which was a continuous stretch of barren Valley.

Marshal Junwei took out an astrolabe and started to set the location.

In the vast heavenly martial arts realm, except for the cities where humans lived, most of the places were sparsely populated and vast. If one could not determine the direction, no matter how strong one was, it would be difficult to fly out of this wilderness.

Marshal Junwei pointed at the canyon in front of them and said, " "It's in this direction. The distance to the target is less than twenty thousand li."