Low-level subordinate

everyone's expression changed slightly, some happy and some worried.

the ones who were worried were naturally the two wei family members. they looked at each other and revealed deep worry and fear.

" that's good, " yunxiao said. " we'll be more confident when they come. "

Everyone immediately began to adjust their breathing in order to cope with the changes in the future.

marshal junwei placed the array disc in front of him, and a screen was projected. seven green lights were flying over.

wei dongyang's expression was unusually ugly as he said, " "Brother Junwei, we'll have to rely on your Shuai family next. I hope everyone can forget about the past and join forces to fight the enemy."

marshal junwei sneered and mocked, " "sir dong yang, i don't quite understand what you're saying. What past grudge? Do we have any past grudges?"

wei dongyang forced out a smile, but it was uglier than crying. " "Hehe, no, of course not."