Convinced from the heart

The water deity's expression did not change from the beginning to the end. The wind and waves gently lifted a corner of her white long robe, like a water deity swaying in the sea, drifting with the wind.

The extreme movement outside her body and the extreme stillness inside her body formed a huge contrast, making that white figure even more distinct in everyone's hearts.

Mo Sha looked down nervously. Seeing that the water deity was safe and sound, he heaved a sigh of relief. His eyes lit up with demonic fire and he said coldly, " you're indeed a genius of the North Sea. Today, I'll let you know what true strength is before you die!

"I'll grant you enlightenment!"

Mo Sha let out a cold shout, and his huge body suddenly disappeared from the space. He charged in front of Yun Xiang at an extremely fast speed, and threw a punch in the air. The entire space exploded, and an unparalleled force smashed towards Yun Xiang's chest!
