Chapter 1060-who cares?

Beiming Laifeng's face instantly turned pale and bloodless. A great sense of shame and anger welled up in his heart, and his face was completely twisted. He pointed at Yunxiao and roared, " "Li Yunxiao! Are you really not going to give me face?"

Yunxiao's face turned cold as he said sarcastically, " "Did I not make myself clear enough? Then I'll say it again, get lost!"

Beiming Laifeng's face was flushed red with anger. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't show his face in front of such a beautiful woman. He couldn't remain calm anymore. With a loud roar, his aura suddenly exploded.

"Lai Feng!"

Suddenly, a calm voice rang out. It was none other than darknorth kangtian. A wave of sound waves directly entered darknorth Laifeng's brain, causing him to feel dizzy. His body trembled in the sky before he gradually regained his senses.