Purple snow coral

tsk, he's really poor. I thought there would be a good show to watch.

in a remote place like the heavenly martial continent, what kind of treasure can we expect them to offer? "

even if the richest of the humans were to come to the eastern sea, they would only be below average.

The spectating marine race members also revealed disdainful expressions and began to disperse. All of them revealed looks of contempt.

The transparent marine race expert revealed a proud expression. He took out another seventh tier profound armament, a long spear, and handed it over.

Yunxiao's eyes fell on the purple snow coral in the stall, and his pupils constricted slightly.

The so-called purple snow coral was actually similar to the origin crystals used by the sea tribe. It was also an item that stored origin power.

The heavens created all things, the work of the gods, the magic was beyond the reach of human power.