Chapter 1101-the roar of the true dragon

RUO Xiang gritted his teeth and roared. The power of his battle spear was pushed to the extreme, and the roar that came from it caused the surrounding space to tremble. The ancient Maha character flickered in front of him.

"Sixth break-heaven's passing!"

The strongest move of the six break technique, sudden appearance of heaven's passing!

A shocking light shot into the sky and charged towards the gold and black seals!

"Boom boom boom!"

The golden seal shattered, and the black seal fell!


The black seal also suddenly shattered. The spear art was unparalleled, sweeping away thousands of troops!

Yunxiao's face flickered as he sent a sword incantation into the ice sword. The sword Qi streaked across the sky, and the entire sky and earth behind him changed color.

countless rays of golden light gathered in the sky, forming rules that fell down and gathered around his sword.

At this moment, he was one with the sword and had turned into sword will.