The Lord of the eastern sea

Di ye's attacks missed. His three heads all sneered and stepped forward, chasing after them.

Every step he took was on the rules of space. No matter how Xiao Hong retreated, it was still within a few feet of him.

"You and I are one, why do you need to run?"

A mocking expression appeared on di ye's face as he said with a demonic smile, " "Come back quickly, neon body!"

He formed a hand seal behind his back and threw it at Xiao Hong. The entire world was enveloped by this hand seal, and there was no way to escape!

For the first time, Xiaohong looked panicked.

"What's so great about bullying a little girl?"

A glint flashed across Zhuo qingfan's eyes, and a mocking look appeared on his face.

He stretched out his hand, and the vast ocean like dust instantly appeared in his right hand. A ray of light directly slashed out!

The light of the halberd split the sky and cut a huge hole in the boundless demonic power!