Chapter 1139-Heart of Glass

Guangxian's face was extremely gloomy and he said in a cold voice, " "Even if what you said is true, this doesn't seem to be the bargaining chip for your survival, right?"

"The bargaining chip for my survival is ... In this world, only I can find Guang Yuan!" Bo Yuqing said coldly.

"You've convinced me, so I won't die for the time being!" Guangxian said in a deep voice.

He grabbed at the air, and five rays of green light flew out from his fingertips and shot directly into the sea, trapping Bo Yuqing inside like a cage.

Then, he closed his fingers and Bo Yuqing was pulled into the sky like a bird in a cage.

"Kill the rest!" Guangxian's face was cold as he shouted.


yes, master! Xuan Xiu quickly accepted the order. He knew that he could not play anymore. The powerful aura of a nine-stars martial sovereign burst out from his body, and everyone felt extremely suppressed.

"We can't kill these people either!" Bo Yuqing exclaimed.