Chapter 1142-an empty body is a Dharmakaya

The man on the throne sneered,"as long as you're in my Taiji diagram of all creation, even Zhuo qingfan can forget about escaping." Devil, just accept your fate!“

Di ye crashed around in the picture for a while and gradually quieted down. He revealed his figure and looked at the crowd coldly.

"My Lord, although your diagram can trap this devil, it can't kill him," Shou Yu frowned. When his strength gradually recovered, he would still break out of the diagram.“

"As long as we can trap him," the siren flute said,"the six of us will use various divine powers to refine him every day. As long as we persevere, killing him is only a matter of time.“

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Otherwise, this demon wouldn't have been suppressed for so many years. Back then, just a clone of Dong Hai had caused a great disturbance, and this guy was even more powerful than the clone.“