Chapter 1169-one step away

how many years has it been? you've been ordering me around like a slave for so long! I've been waiting for this day for so long! che you laughed wildly.

His body flickered in the air and appeared directly in front of Yunxiao. In an instant, he reached out his right hand and grabbed Yunxiao's neck. have you ever thought of this day?!


Suddenly, che you clenched his fist and sent a stream of Dragon Qi into Yunxiao's head, which exploded it.

He retracted his hand, and the fanatical killing intent in his eyes gradually calmed down. He said jokingly, " "Oh, I forgot. This is the divine realm tablet. It's not easy to kill you."

A few meters away, Yunxiao's figure gradually materialized. With a cold look on his face, he said, " "Old dragon, you've really changed."

"Hmph!" Che you snorted. It's not that I've changed, it's just that I can resist now. I'll let you try to be my slave for two lifetimes and see if you can kill me!"