Chapter 1172-dust mustard

Yunxiao had a strange look on his face, thinking that it was unlikely.

Back then, the three corpses had attacked him together and injured him, so he hadn't had time to pay attention to yang yuanshu's whereabouts.

But the Dragon guards "auras had already descended, most likely sealing off the surrounding space. There was no way to escape.

"Hmph, I don't believe you've really disappeared!"

Yunxiao's competitive spirit rose at once. He stretched out his right hand, and the dynasty Bell slowly fell into his palm.

this Bell can travel through space and reach any place. Unless you're hiding in a transcendent-grade profound level weapon, watch how I shake you out!

Yunxiao spoke into the air for a while, then slapped the bell.


A melodious Bell rang and spread out in all directions. Even in the endless void, there were sound waves that appeared and pushed away like lake water.


Yunxiao closed his eyes and began to sense the sound quietly.