Chapter 1204-another divine descent

"You, this is Yingluo."

The Dragon head was shocked by the scene in front of him. Although the brilliance of the three profound level weapons was not in his eyes, but the auspicious light was as bright as the sun and moon, giving people a kind of sacred and inviolable Majesty.

You killed Doudou, and now you want to kill li Yunxiao. I'm going to kill you!

The water deity's eyes flashed with cold killing intent, and her pupils turned golden.

Yunxiao's heart trembled as well. His eyes widened as he murmured, " "Water fairy Pixiu"

"You want to kill me? But you're too weak."

The Dragon head looked at the water deity who was slashing at him with his sword. Countless golden characters surged out of the sword, but he simply flicked his finger and an invisible force pressed over.


The water deity was sent flying back, and the golden light on the sword dissipated.