Chapter 1263-distribution

these sixteen void beasts must be the biggest killing move in the Thunder World, " Yunxiao said. the Thunder Tigers and fire leopards can't attack us to keep the Thunder World from falling, so they can only rely on these void beasts to attack us. As for that void beast that was similar to a formation beast, it should be the only one among the sixteen that focuses on defense. Its mission is to protect this 'eye of the Thunder World'. "

The Thunder Tiger Fire leopard's eyes flashed with ferocity as it said coldly, " "I can't believe that my most powerful ultimate move was seen through by a human brat. Even if I know this, what can I do? Enjoy this final feast!"

He sat cross-legged in the middle of the array, placed the Vajra scepter in front of him, and slapped a seal on it.

roar! Roar!

The remaining 15 void beasts roared loudly, and all kinds of powerful auras suddenly burst out. With a "Hong" sound, they rushed forward.