We'll meet one day

haha! Chen Feng laughed, " all these speculations are just speculations. If you are not convinced, you can try it out for yourself.

Liang Yuyi tied up her hair and smiled.

Their attitude infuriated Zhou Chu even more. He said coldly, " "I don't need you guys to tell me, I will fight him sooner or later!"

Li Feiyu frowned. li Yunxiao is indeed a genius, and his actual combat strength is as strong as it has been tempered thousands of times. But I still don't believe that a seven-stars Martial Emperor can compete with a nine-stars Martial Emperor.

Qi GUI was also silent. Although he knew that Yunxiao was far better than him, he had some doubts in his heart because he had not seen him in Seawood town.

"Look, master mo Huayuan is sitting beside him," he said.

They looked out through the one-way mirror in the private room, and sure enough, they saw mo Huayuan appear beside Yunxiao, and he seemed to be asking if they could sit together.