Chapter 1303-discovery

the true spirit itself?!

how is that possible? " Yunxiao laughed. I don't even believe it if you say it's a descendant of a true spirit. In the true spirit atlases that have been passed down, have you ever seen any records of such a tiny object?"

Aunt Jiu said, " most of the true spirit atlases that have been passed down are incomplete. Moreover, most of them record some of the most famous true spirit existences in the past. It's not surprising that some of them are missing. I can't determine the true identity of this object, but the feeling it gives me is indeed exceptionally terrifying, causing me to shiver. May I know where young master Yun has obtained these things?"

"I've already killed the original owner of this item. Now that I've heard what ninth aunt said, I really regret taking his life. I should've captured him and searched his soul."