Chapter 1307-searching for the owner

"Forty million going once!"

"40.00,000 going twice, is there no further bid?"

Ke tongguang felt a little indignant. He looked around and deliberately dragged out the time.

Yunxiao broke the silence and said, " "Forty million two hundred thousand!"

Everyone's eyes immediately gathered on him. Many people even revealed strange expressions and turned to look at a private room on the second floor.

Zhou Chu's face was gloomy. Just as he was about to bid, Qin Chuan stopped him. He shook his head with a serious face, indicating that he should not bid.

Hmph! Zhou Chu snorted unhappily. He sat there sulking, but the killing intent in his eyes grew colder.

Li Feiyu was worried when he saw this. Zhou Chu was obviously possessed by an inner demon, and it was inevitable that he would have to fight Yunxiao. Even if he was forcibly suppressed, the inner demon would still haunt him, and it would be difficult for him to make any progress in his martial cultivation.