Chapter 1326-human and Jade

Within the million sword formation, a path was instantly split open. Qin Chuan sheathed his sword and stood upright. With one hand holding onto Zhou Chu, he stepped out!


who allowed you to leave?! Yunxiao roared in a deep voice.

At the end of the sword map passage, a golden light flashed between Yunxiao's eyebrows, and the divine realm tablet shot out.

The Golden Ring of light circulated around the stele, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge mountain that pressed down!


The vast blue light around Qin Chuan's body was suppressed by the power of the world. His entire body froze, and he could no longer move!


The divine realm tablet fell several inches, scattering the blue light.

Zhou Chu was hit by a huge force. He couldn't help but spit out more blood, and his face was full of fear.