Chapter 1428-break off

"Ning Kewei, have you considered the consequences of your actions?" Wei Qing's face turned cold.

"Consequences? It's just a broken bone. We old guys don't have long to live anyway."

Ning Kewei seemed to have made up his mind. The wrinkles on his forehead smoothed out one by one as he spoke lazily, his face filled with a playful smile.

The three elders, red, yellow, and blue, became nervous as well. They stared at the warship vigilantly. After all, the opponent was a Saint.

Wei Qing said coldly, " two peak experts of the Holy region disappeared near the red moon City. I'm going to bring them back for investigation. Anyone who stops us is a major suspect. If the red moon City stops us, I have reason to believe that the red moon City is involved in this matter, or even organized it.

"If that's the case, I'll have to use the blade of judgment!" He said, his eyes cold.

Everyone's bodies trembled, and they revealed looks of shock.