Chapter 1469-battle in the eyes

“嗞! You killed him?"

Tang Qing was greatly shocked, and his entire face turned green.

you can say so, " Yunxiao said. he actually died in his own hands. As for you, I will personally kill you."

Hmph, you can kill me after killing Luan Junhao. Do you think I'll believe that? "

Tang Qing sneered. this is your illusionary space. You can just randomly conjure up a dead body. It's nothing more than trying to disturb my mind. Do you think I'm a nestling like you? "

whatever you think, " Yunxiao said. it doesn't matter. It won't affect your ending today.

He raised his hand and formed an incantation with two fingers. A sharp light shot out from the black eyes behind him. Like a sunflower, blood-colored symbols swirled around him.

"You're acting mysterious!"

Tang Qing was secretly shocked, but his face was still full of contempt. His figure flashed and he moved forward.

The palm covered the sky and the earth, including Yunxiao and the moon eye.